First Aid, Medical Courses


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Being a first aider can be a daunting responsibility and accidents and illness can happen in the workplace at anytime. For this reason, the best quality training is very important. We think the best people to provide this training are experts who have had years of experience dealing with real emergencies. Having firsthand knowledge and experience enables them to relate the training to real life scenarios making the training more interesting and relevant for our students.

First Aid at Work

This comprehensive 3 day first aid at work course is for people intending to act as a First Aider at Work. The course is designed to provide the First Aider with the skills necessary to give effective life support, diagnose and treat injuries or illness, and maintain care and comfort of the casualty.

The recommended course duration is 3 days and topics covered include: the roles and responsibilities of the First Aider; assessing an incident, recognising signs and symptoms of injury and illness, assisting a casualty who is suffering from major injury and illness, chest injuries, spinal injuries and anaphylaxis. The qualification is assessed via on-going oral questioning and practical demonstration.

All successful students will be issued with a First Aid at Work Certificate, along with a wallet-sized plastic card detailing their qualification which is valid for a period of 3 years.


First Aid at Work – Requalification

A 2 day course available only to qualified First Aiders who wish to renew their First Aid at Work certificate.

First Aid at Work – Level 2

This comprehensive 1 day training course is for people who are required to act as an Emergency First Aider at Work. The course is designed to equip students with the skills to take charge and deal with an emergency effectively, with the emphasis on preventing situations from becoming worse and maintaining life until help arrives. The topics covered include: the roles and responsibilities of the Emergency First Aider, assessing an incident, recognising signs and symptoms of injury and illness and assisting a casualty who is suffering from injury and illness. The qualification is assessed via on-going oral questioning and practical demonstration.

The minimum contact hours for this qualification, excluding breaks should be for a minimum period of 6 hours over 1 day.

All successful students will be issued with an Emergency First Aid at Work Certificate, along with a wallet-sized plastic card detailing their qualification which is valid for a period of 3 years.

Annual First Aid Refresher

It is strongly recommend that First Aiders at Work and Emergency First Aiders at Work attend this 3 hour first aid refresher training course annually to ensure they are up to date with first aid procedures and to reduce the level of ‘first aid skill fade’ they may experience during the three year period of their qualification.

A red first aid kit bag with a black zip and handle, in closeup.

Paediatric First Aid

This comprehensive 12 hour paediatric first aid course has been designed specifically for individuals who provide care for babies and children under 8 years old.

Emergency First Aid For Parents and Child Carers

This basic 1 day emergency first aid training course for parents and child carers, is designed for anyone who wants to learn about first aid and has a professional involvement or cares for children and babies.

Automatic External Defibrillator

This comprehensive 4 hour AED course is designed to instruct the students in the use of an AED.

Reanimation mit AED und Herzdruckmassage

First Person On Scene (FPOS) Intermediate

Industrial workers and Security staff. It is also ideal for First Aid trainers who wish to develop their skills.

Oxygen Therapy

This comprehensive 3 hour oxygen therapy training course is designed for qualified First Aiders and Emergency First Aiders to be able to administer oxygen safely and effectively.

Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation

This comprehensive 3 hour CPR course provides delegates with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in cardio pulmonary resuscitation. The course is designed for all abilities to learn the essential lifesaving skills of CPR.

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